Domein Bovy • Heusden-Zolder
21 juli 2019
Sunday 21 July 2019 was a special National Holiday because giants from all over Limburg gathered for the first time at Domain Bovy. Reuzen in Vlaanderen wants to highlight giant culture with the happening. After all, Heusden-Zolder has been a ‘giant-friendly’ municipality since last year, with Lambert Hoelen, Leyn Weckx, Tijl Uilenspiegel, Jef Slam and Trees Turf under construction on our territory. From 11am to 5pm, children could participate in an exciting quest free of charge and learn all about the history of giants. And they got up close and personal with the giants present. Those who registered in advance could visit the barbecue afterwards.
And it was crowded! Because you could see these giants: Lambert Hoelende hermit, Leyn Weckx the well witch, Tijl Uilenspiegel, Jef Slam, Trees Turf, the Golem, Pancraas van Waasmont (Waasmont), Hendrik van Wassenaer (Oudsbergen), Zjang den Heimeier (Oudsbergen), Bet van in den duyvelsrijth (Oudsbergen), Leo (Maasmechelen), Emma (Maasmechelen), Sjotte Jef (Maasmechelen), Vranke Mie (Maasmechelen), Piersus van Trèke Bas (Hasselt) and Bèrb van Mei vanne Krekel (Hasselt).